ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Coaching Moment…The Enabled Childaccess_timeAugust 18, 2011Image courtesy of imagerymajestic / I just started working with Sarah. She’s a college sophomore at one of the…READ MORE
ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Coaching…Beginning the Journeyaccess_timeAugust 16, 2011Image courtesy of chanpipat / I always advise clients about the process that’s involved with coaching for ADD, ADHD…READ MORE
ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Coaching Moment…Blaming the Professionalaccess_timeAugust 15, 2011Image courtesy of Ambro / I’ve been working with the Jones family for around four months. I’ve been working…READ MORE
ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Tip of the Week…Medicationaccess_timeAugust 12, 2011Image courtesy of dusky/ One of the most common questions I get is about medication. These include my feelings…READ MORE
Parent Frustration with an ADD and ADHD Childaccess_timeAugust 9, 2011Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / The Smith family has been my client for several months. They sought…READ MORE
Helping Someone in His or Her 20s with ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioningaccess_timeAugust 8, 2011Image courtesy of imagerymajestic / I started working with Jennifer around a month ago. She has some learning challenges…READ MORE
ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Tip…Back-to-Schoolaccess_timeAugust 5, 2011Image courtesy of imagerymajestic / With school right around the corner, it is an excellent time to start preparing…READ MORE
Returning from a Vacation with ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Concernsaccess_timeAugust 4, 2011Image courtesy of stockphotos / Having ADD and ADHD and traveling isn’t always easy. It takes us outside of…READ MORE
Preparing to Travel with ADD and ADHDaccess_timeJuly 29, 2011Image courtesy of sattva / Traveling for me has always been stressful. I want to be sure that I…READ MORE
Mother/Daughter Communication with ADD and ADHDaccess_timeJuly 28, 2011Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/ I’ve been working with this family for a few months. The daughter is…READ MORE