Traveling for me has always been stressful. I want to be sure that I remember everything when I pack for a trip. To help relieve some of my stress, I take some preventative steps. Many of my clients with ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning concerns, he or she reports similar feelings.
I always advise my clients to begin packing a few days before traveling. This allows for extra time in case you’re missing something and alleviates unneeded stress. Take my word, getting things together early is a great ounce of prevention.
For more information on my ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning coaching, please visit To learn more information about some of the other services I provide, please visit and I can be found on Twitter at ADHDEFCoach. You can also find me on Facebook and Tumblr. My good friend and fellow ADD/ADHD Coach Tara McGillicuddy invites me as a regular guest on ADD/ADHD Support Talk Radio. Tara does many wonderful things and you should check out her website here. Feel free to email me at [email protected] or call 773.888.ADHD (2343) with any additional questions.