ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Tip…Setting Up a Planaccess_timeSeptember 16, 2011Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/ One of the biggest challenges for an individual with ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning…READ MORE
ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Coaching Moment…The Always Right Clientaccess_timeSeptember 13, 2011Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/ FreeDigitalPhotos.netI love helping people with ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning achieve success. It doesn’t get…READ MORE
ADD and ADHD Strategy: Study the Teacheraccess_timeSeptember 8, 2011Image courtesy of Stock Images/ Many individuals with ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning concerns miss many subtle and not-so-subtle…READ MORE
How to Deal with the End of the Summer ADD/ADHD Blues…access_timeSeptember 6, 2011Image courtesy of Stock Photo / This is a common occurrence with my clients. After Labor Day, it sets…READ MORE
Ways to Handle the Transition Back-to-School for Individuals with ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Concernsaccess_timeSeptember 1, 2011About 95% of my clients are back at school. While none of us want to admit it, the summer has…READ MORE
Why Do We Resist Treatment for ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning???access_timeAugust 31, 2011Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/ I’ve learned not to take too many things my clients say or do…READ MORE
When is it Too Late To Get Help for ADD, ADHD & Executive Functioning???access_timeAugust 25, 2011Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / I received a call from a perspective client yesterday. Her son is in…READ MORE
My Bad ADHD Day…access_timeAugust 24, 2011Image courtesy of imagerymajestic / I’ve been living with ADHD my whole life. Even though I’ve managed to live…READ MORE
Finding Support for ADD and ADHDaccess_timeAugust 22, 2011Image courtesy of stockphotos / Being able to find the right type of support for ADD and ADHD is…READ MORE
ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Tip…Contacting an Old Friendaccess_timeAugust 19, 2011Image courtesy of adamr / With summer coming to a screeching halt, I think this would be a wonderful time to…READ MORE