Having obsessions with ADD and ADHD is commonplace. Whether it is over a task, object or event, the triggers causing one to obsess are countless. While some obsessing is normal, in some cases, it can consume the individual.
Let’s look at two examples of this type of obsessing and how it impacts individuals with ADD and ADHD. The first example has to do with shopping. Many of my clients report that they have issues with online shopping. It gets to a point where he or she cannot control what is purchased. Late evening purchases and unopened packages are a regular occurrence. Sales become obsessions and the individual just cannot stop. In addition to the financial burden this can create, it also will add to one’s clutter.
The other example has to do with work. Many of my clients will struggle with the day-to-day aspects of work. He or she will slip up on small things because the individual becomes obsessed with everything about his or her job and doesn’t actually do the work. It becomes less about ability and more about execution.
So how does one manage these two areas? It is a lot more simple than one thinks. I recommend that my clients do two things.
- Write down the item/issue?
- Is this item needed/Is the issue at work something that the individual can control?
By getting the thoughts out of your head and onto paper, it helps you find clarity. Thoughts will snowball around in your head if you allow these to do so, as well as cause one to not see the whole situation clearly. Getting the information out in the open is a huge help. I’d also advise you to seek extra help once you get more clarity. It will help you maintain the course.
For more helpful tips an suggestions, please check out my ADHD Guru podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. You can also find me on Twitter (@adhdguru) and Instagram (@adhdguru). Feel free to email me at [email protected] or call 877.398.ADHD (2343) with any additional questions.