Does Mindfulness Help with ADD and ADHD?access_timeMarch 12, 2015Image courtesy of by Stuart Miles] at When identifying the best way to cope with the effects of ADD…READ MORE
Priorities and Money for Adults with ADD and ADHDaccess_timeFebruary 27, 2015I want to thank my good friend Tara McGillicuddy for asking me back to ADHD Support Talk Radio discussing ADD…READ MORE
Friendships and Social Challenges for Individuals with ADD and ADHDaccess_timeSeptember 12, 2014I want to thank my good friend Tara McGillicuddy for asking me back to ADHD Support Talk Radio this week discussing…READ MORE
Conversations and Communication with Adult ADD and ADHDaccess_timeJuly 21, 2014Please enjoy my visit with Tara Mcgillicuddy on the difficulties of having conversations and communicating with Adults managing ADD and…READ MORE
Gambling with ADD and ADHDaccess_timeJanuary 27, 2013Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane / Let me disclaimer this piece by saying that I am not opposed to…READ MORE
Diagnosing ADD and ADHDaccess_timeJuly 14, 2013Image courtesy of digitalart/ There is no quick diagnosis for ADD and ADHD. Just like this is not a…READ MORE
Traveling with ADD and ADHDaccess_timeJuly 4, 2013Traveling with ADD and ADHD can be a huge challenge. Speaking from personal experience, I can tell you that it…READ MORE
Being Gifted with ADD and ADHDaccess_timeMay 14, 2014Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut / One of my most interesting are the individuals that are gifted with ADD…READ MORE
Tobacco Use with ADD and ADHDaccess_timeMarch 5, 2013Image courtesy of gameanna / Individuals with ADD and ADHD have a tendency towards addictive behavior. As I wrote…READ MORE
Boundaries with ADD and ADHDaccess_timeMarch 11, 2013It is difficult for people with ADD and ADHD to set boundaries. Here are some ideas to help you improve…READ MORE