ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Coaching…Making a Breakthroughaccess_timeJune 14, 2011Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/ I’ve been working with an extremely difficult client for months now (Sarah). Breaking down…READ MORE
ADD, ADHD & Executive Functioning…Preparing for a Major Eventaccess_timeJune 9, 2011I am sure everyone knows the feeling of seeing something life-changing on the horizon. This includes having children, graduating from…READ MORE
Dealing with Nasty People…An ADD & ADHD Perspectiveaccess_timeJune 8, 2011Image courtesy of imagerymajestic / I have been working very hard at trying to go more with the flow…READ MORE
Living with ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Deficits…Enjoying the Momentaccess_timeJune 7, 2011Image courtesy of Stock Photos/ In the tussle of everyday life, we rarely stop to enjoy the things around us. Especially…READ MORE
ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Coaching Moment…Setting Realistic Expectationsaccess_timeJune 6, 2011Image courtesy of [image creator name] / FreeDigitalPhotos.netI cannot stress enough the importance of setting realistic expectations for individuals with…READ MORE
ADD/ADHD & Executive Functioning Coaching Moment…Sticking By the Difficult Clientaccess_timeJune 2, 2011Image courtesy of iosphere at My work has its ups and downs. I really love what I do but…READ MORE
ADD/ADHD & Executive Functioning Coaching Moment…Staying On-Taskaccess_timeJune 1, 2011Image courtesy of atibodyphoto at Being productive in my sessions is the most obvious part of my job. If…READ MORE
ADD/ADHD & Executive Functioning Coaching Moment…The Home Stretch of Schoolaccess_timeMay 30, 2011Image courtesy of stockimages at Most students, teachers and parents are burned out. The school year has been very…READ MORE
Parenting a Child With ADD/ADHD & Executive Functioning Concerns…Being Too Sympatheticaccess_timeMay 26, 2011Image courtesy of Ambro at Having ADD, ADHD or Executive Functioning deficits isn’t easy. While it may not be…READ MORE
ADD/ADHD & Executive Functioning Coaching Moment…The Arrogant Childaccess_timeMay 24, 2011Image courtesy of stock images at Arrogance is one of the biggest signs of a self-esteem issue with a…READ MORE