ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning Coaching…Beginning the Journey

Image courtesy of chanpipat /
Image courtesy of chanpipat /

I always advise clients about the process that’s involved with coaching for ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning. It isn’t just a quick fix, but the beginning of a journey to better manage one’s needs. Some clients can resist at first, but sticking with coaching should improve performance if it’s a fit.

I cater my work to the individual client. To do this I need to acclimate myself to his or her needs. Creating a relationship and finding common interests are a key. If there’s no relationship, it makes it difficult to effectively work together. I’m asking a client to trust me, so creating a strong relationship is a key to this whole process.

I do not offer a cure in a can, promise better grades or make any guarantees, but if a client wants to improve performance, we can accomplish this together. But having a strong relationship is the key.

My advice to anyone seeking a coach is to be sure there’s a comfort level and that you can see working with the coach for the long-term. Any initial doubts are an obstacle that may not be overcome.

For more information on my ADD, ADHD and Executive Functioning coaching, please visit In addition to working with clients in-person, I also work with clients all over the United States and World online, please visit for more information. To learn more about my other services, please visit & I can be found on Twitter at ADHDGuru. You can also find me on Facebook, Google Plus and Tumblr. Feel free to email me at [email protected] or call 877.398.ADHD (2343) with any additional questions.

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